Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Day Joe B. Supported A 700 Mile Border Wall----40 Stories High

A viral resurfaced video from then-Senator Joe Biden’s 2008 presidential campaign shows Biden professing his support for a 700-mile physical barrier along the U.S. southern border.


Biden also calls for a harsh crackdown of American employers who hire “illegals.”

“Folks, I voted for a fence,” Biden can be heard saying, referencing his backing of the Secure Fence Act. “I voted, unlike most Democrats ― and some of you won’t like it ― I voted for 700 miles of fence. But, let me tell you, we can build a fence 40 stories high ― unless you change the dynamic in Mexico and ― and you will not like this, and ― punish American employers who knowingly violate the law when, in fact, they hire illegals. Unless you do those two things, all the rest is window dressing.”

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