Friday, November 1, 2019

A Wee Bit About Obama At Columbia

The 2016 Netflix film “Barry,” starring Devon Terrell, attempted to dramatize the experience of Barack Obama at Columbia University in the early 1980s, even though Clinton factotum George Stephanopoulos, one year ahead, and Matthew Cooper of Newsweek, a year behind, had no memory of the future president there. On that score, the pair had plenty of company. 
Wayne Allyn Root, the Libertarian Party candidate for vice-president in 2008, was in Obama’s 1983 Columbia political science and pre-law class, the identical course of study, and graduated on the same day. As Root told Matt Welch of Reason,  he “never met him in my life, don’t know anyone who ever met him.” 

In similar style, class of ’83 Columbia grads included a group of  25 lawyers, a doctor, several engineers and other professionals living in Israel. “Not one of us remembers Barack Obama . . . from our undergrad years, nor do we know anyone else who does,” explained Judy Maltz. 
American Greatness

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