Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lies, Damned Lies And Statistics

What I heard all day long was that the US leads the world in Coronavirus deaths. We're #1. I heard it on television, on the radio and read it in the print media. It's a bunch of lies.

Presented here are some statistics regarding the number of cases with China not list at all because they lie.

  1. USA (530,006)
  2. Spain (166,019)
  3. Italy (152,271)
  4. France 130,730
  5. Germany (125,452)
  6. The United Kingdom (79,885)
Now, here are the top six countries by confirmed cases per million people (based on population numbers from the CIA World Fact Book) in descending order:
  1. Spain (3319.33)
  2. Italy (2440.14)
  3. France (1926.80)
  4. USA (1593.34)
  5. Germany (1565.03)
  6. United Kingdom (1214.78)
Don't be bamboozled.

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